Friday, September 10, 2010

It´s all about the comments!

It´s amazing how time flies! In about 2 months, it will be 5 years since we got back to México. Just as life would have it, a lot of things have happened. I´m sure the best is still to come!

The best part has been the fact of being able to keep cooking in a similar style as I did in Agave, and Atlas. Definately there has been room for more growth. As Sous Chef in one of the best hotels in the world, I have been able to expand my horizons a bit more. I finally feel comfortable with the style that I have worked to try to achieve and at least for now, I will be building from that.

Of course, there are only a few ways that you can show your work withouth having your own restaurant or being Head Chef, - Man... I miss Atlas!!! - . For now, the only option I´ve had has been inviting friends over for dinner and hopefully have a nice showing for them. I take pictures, write down recipes, and try to get some comments out of them. So far, I´m giving myself an 85% success rate.

The best part of this is being able to get fresh "out of the press" comments; at times, not necesarily the ones I would be looking for. I´ve had from, "man this is great" to "well, this is great, but, you know, the other day we had a carne asada at home and...". All is relative in this world. At least for all of comments sake, I can say I have been bestowed with probably one of the best comments a chef could have..." I just had an orgasm" a lady once bespoke of a certain molten chocolate cake with chipotle ganche. I wish I had taped it to have proof!

If only I could get a system where aside form a picture, one could, if not taste, at least smell the food being created, I would probably do better now than before, or, I guess, at least would have a wider audience. With these "tastings" I have been able to keep experimenting with different textures and profiles, combining quite a few ideas. Just as in Atlas, I´m trying to stay true to the French-Mexican combo, with a few touches of Mediterranean mixed in between.

It is alway´s fun to try to pair up olives with peppers and not end up with some additional version of Veracruzana sauce. Just yesterday I was experimenting with banjuls vinegar, chipotle peppers and cilantro. As a spicy vinaigrette, it really worked and got some comments out of it. Pairing it up with a roasted vegetable terrine, finished the plate quite well.

Indeed this is what I think is one of the many faces of gastronomy and cooking as a whole. Experimenting with food is a cornerstone of the joy of cooking, to paraphrase a certain cookbook. The more you do it, the more confident you become and obviously, the more you learn to work and handle different ingredientes and different cuisines. As in the movie "Big Night" when someone sighs deeply after a great meal, you know you have accomplished what you set out to do, be happy!

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